Christmas toy appeal – what a great response!

During the run-up to Christmas, we launched our toy appeal for Casey Ward at Epsom, and Queen Mary’s Hospital for Children at St Helier.  We had a great response.  The generosity of our local communities has been fantastic throughout the pandemic, and once again we’ve been amazed by the resilience and willingness of the public to support their local hospitals.  

Together with our Play Specialists we set up an Amazon Wish List of items that were carefully selected to create ‘single use play packs’ along with plastic toys which can be deep-cleaned and sanitised before use by another child. 

Here’s Play Specialist Sarah Montgomery with a selection of the toys at Queen Mary’s Hospital for Children, St Helier.

With the second wave, it looks like the play specialists will need to be creating play packs beyond the Twelve Days of Christmas! So, there’s still a chance to donate from the Wishlist if you’re able to.

In the meantime we’d like to send a big thank you to all the people who have donated so far, and to all our secret Santas too!