St Christopher’s School supports Casey Ward

We were recently invited to a presentation at St Christopher’s School in Epsom to congratulate all the young pupils on raising an amazing £3094 for Casey Children’s Ward at Epsom Hospital! The school’s fundraising has made a huge contribution towards the ward’s Magic Carpet Appeal.

Deputy Head Boy Rumi and Deputy Head Girl Holly gave a speech summarising everyone’s fundraising ventures, which included using their pocket money from completing household chores (such as making their bed) which was then deposited in small Ambulance Money Boxes provided by the school. Rumi and Holly’s speech was followed by an orchestral interlude, and then Head Boy Reis and Head Girl Megan handed over the large cheque for Casey Ward. Also on show was a magnificent mosaic Magic Carpet created by the pupils.

Thank you St Christopher’s – we’re truly grateful for all the kindness and hard work of the children (and the grown-ups!)