Walk 4 Wards 2020

Less than one week to go!
In the wake of COVID-19, we asked our walkers to adapt our usual Walk4Wards event into a virtual one, giving them free rein on location and two months to complete the challenge. Really, the only requirement was to cover the original 7.5 miles or to measure it in steps – 15,840 to be more precise!
Many walkers have been able to take advantage of the glorious weather, exploring new routes and even stepping up the distance!

With the virtual event finishing on 1 September, here’s hoping that other supporters will find the time to get their walk in before then. And so far over £8000 has been raised to support our local hospitals and community services! Here are just a few examples of the fabulous fundraising:
- SCBU Manager Gerry Cotter and her husband Deva Sahabandu have raised over £1000 to refurbish the parents room on the Special Care Baby Unit.
- Community Matron Blessing Mazanzi and her daughter Violet have raised over £500 to help improve patient services on the Alex Frailty ward, and purchase a bladder scanner.
- Team Sexual Health Striders have raised over £1300 to fund contraception, sexual health, and HIV services.
Check out some great ‘Finish line photos’ from Gerry, Blessing, the Striders and other Walk 4 Wards walkers at Flickr.
We have several more stories to share, but we’ll leave you with these headlines for now. We’re looking forward to the final countdown of photos and fun! And let’s not forget, the Trust is matching every penny raised!