Christmas Toy Appeal

Seeking secret Santas to support young patients this Christmas!
Epsom and St Helier Hospitals Charity have launched their annual Christmas Toy Appeal, inviting local people to help spread a little more cheer among young patients during the festive season by gifting an item or two from an Amazon Wish List.
Last year, thanks to the generosity of the local community, nearly 100 toys, games, and gifts of arts and crafts were given to the children’s wards across the hospitals.
Staying in hospital or visiting for treatment can be difficult for children and their loved ones at the best of times, but even more so at Christmas. So these toys and games really make a big difference and help staff keep their young patients entertained and relaxed.
The Wish List has been put together by the hospitals’ Play Specialists – everything has been carefully selected not only to raise a smile and provide a welcome distraction, but also to ensure strict infection control standards can be maintained on the wards. Some items, like colouring books, pencils, and small toys, will make up individual ‘playtime packs’ while all plastic toys will be deep-cleaned and sanitised before used by another child.
Play Specialist Emily King, said: “We know that coming into hospital can be quite upsetting for our young patients, especially at Christmas, but with your help we can make it a bit brighter! We do also appreciate that the festive season is already an expensive time of year and that Covid has impacted many people financially, so of course we’re only inviting people to support the appeal if they have something to spare.”
Once you have selected the gift you would like to give (you can find the Wish List here:, please feel free to write a message, or to let us know if you have a preference for which children’s ward it goes to, otherwise we will ensure all gifts and evenly distributed. Please also select the following delivery address: ESTH Charity c/o Receipt & Dispatch, Epsom Hospital, Dorking Road KT18 7EG
You can also contact the Charity Team at or on 01372 735 262 to let them know about your donation!