Write a Will Week

Epsom and St Helier Hospitals Charity is launching a Write a Will Week which runs from 27 September to 1 October to highlight the importance of writing a will.
Whether you think your wishes would be considered quite typical or a bit more unconventional, a will is the only way to make sure your money, property, possessions and investments (known as your estate) go to the people and causes you care about. With no will, the law decides how to deal with your estate which is not something very many would want for their loved ones.
Yet 54% of UK adults still haven’t written a will.*
If you are one of them, Epsom and St Helier Hospitals Charity has teamed up with two reputable firms who are providing free will writing services to their supporters and to guide you through the process.
Crown Law Solicitors LLP, a local solicitors’ firm based in Morden, are waiving their fees (normally £175-£350 +VAT ) to the first 15 supporters who book an appointment during our Will Writing Week starting Monday 27 September and finishing on Friday 1 October 2021. The appointment can take place in their office or remotely by phone or Zoom. Alternatively, you can contact national estate planning company Dunham McCarthy who provide a will writing service over the phone for ESTH supporters all year round.**
Gifts generously left in wills (also known as legacies) for Epsom and St Helier Hospitals Charity are a vital source of income which help towards funding those ‘above and beyond’ projects for the hospital and their community services. There is no obligation to leave a gift in your will to the Charity but if you would like to do so, for the benefit of future generations of patients and staff, it would be much appreciated.
To book your appointment with Crown Law Solicitors LLP, please call 0208 175 6733 or email enquiries@crownlawsolicitors.com and mention that you are booking as part of the Epsom and St Helier Hospitals ‘Write a Will Week’.
Please visit their website for more information: crownlawsolicitors.com
To book an initial 30 minute call with Dunham McCarthy please visit: dm-legal.co.uk/esthc/
*According to Which? research 2018
**Throughout the course of your consultation with a full qualified solicitor or estate planner, you may choose to use other services in preparing your will which may incur a cost. They will ensure that you are always provided with a full and transparent break-down of these costs and you are not obligated to accept any of these services.