In Memory

Celebrate the life of a loved one by making a donation in their memory
In memory

Celebrate the life of a loved one in a special way by making a donation in their memory. Take a look at the options below to see how you can honour a friend or family member whilst supporting our hospitals.

Donate in their memory

Click here to donate online and make a gift in memory of someone special to you. If you would like to discuss your gift, please email to speak to a member of our fundraising team.

Make a personal page to fundraise

You can also fundraise online in memory of a loved one by setting up a personalised online giving page through JustGiving. This enables you to tell and share the personal stories and anecdotes from your loved one’s life.

Funeral collection

You may want to encourage people to make a donation in lieu of flowers at your loved ones funeral. Please get in touch and we can support you by providing donation envelopes and some wording or flyers about the area of the hospital you’re choosing to support.

Staff member Patience + child

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Ways to give

Operating theatre

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